Office openning hours

 35A Union Street, 2nd Floor.

 Wednesday: 18:00 - 19:30
 Friday: 18:00 - 19:30
 Saturday: 10:00 - 11:30


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The Polish Association was established in Aberdeen 16 years ago. The very first meeting took place in the Dee Motel, Aberdeen. The Association is formed from Polish nationals and their friends living in Aberdeen and the North-East region of Scotland. The Association’s main aims and objectives are described in the Constitution.

The main social annual events organised by the Association are:
  • Spring/summer event - Picnic
  • Barbecue Party – summer/autumn event
  • St. Andrew’s / St Nicholas disco party (Andrzejki / Mikolajki)
  • Carol singing
  • Dinner Dance – winter event
The Association membership has increased in number from year to year.

We also organise various ad hoc activities and walking/sight-seeing trips according to needs and interest of our members. Currently PAA provides voluntary on-the-spot language help with English applications, forms etc. (free for our members) after Sunday Polish masses in the cathedral hall. One of our current on-going projects is to establish Polish Saturday school in Aberdeen.